Monthly Archives: January 2020

Perfect Ways to Curb Growth of Facial Hair for women

Usually, men do have a thick and dark hair on the face, and it is a natural effect of a male hormone. However, for women’s condition, it is called “hirsutism,” and it comes up for different reasons. In most cases, it is excessive production of androgens caused by a hormonal imbalance. Obesity, stress, and menopause are the example results of this condition. And also because of medical conditions, Polycystic ovarian syndrome which is characterized by increased cysts in the ovaries which cause a defective hormonal production. Excessive hair on the face is the most common a side effect of certain medications like Cyclosporine, Minoxidil, and anabolic steroids.

So there are natural ways to Control Growth of Hair on Face in Women. The list will give you promising natural options which can remove hair without the harshness of artificial methods.

1. Lemon orange or apricot honey scrub

These fruit-based natural scrubs will help you eliminate the hair on the treated zone by pulling them out without harming and damaging the skin. You need a mixture of powdered orange and lemon peel, olive oil, oatmeal, and water to make a paste of a powerful orange scrub while you’ll need to powder dried apricots and mix them with some honey if you prefer for the honey apricot scrub. To use them, you will need to Rub either one of them to your face for about 5 minutes 3 times a week.

2. Spearmint tea

Did you know that drinking a spearmint tea twice a day lowers the body’s androgen levels? So if you drink it two times a day, this will help reduce the facial hair of women who has hirsutism and Polycystic ovarian syndrome. It can be an excellent treatment for mild hirsutism because the tea has the power to decrease testosterone levels. So if you want to do it yourself, you need to soak some fresh spearmint in boiling water for 2-5 minutes and strain it before drinking it to make this perfect tea.

3. Sugar and lemon juice

The method is suitable to do for about three times a week and to do it; you have to apply a cooked mix of lemon juice, sugar, and water to the part that has undesired hair and let it dry before washing it off. The sugar has exfoliating qualities and the way that it naturally sticks to the hair, not the skin when it is warm make the dried sugar take off the hair without breaking and damaging the skin. Moreover, the lemon juice is added to the mixture because it breaches any remaining hairs.

Reminders: If you are facing or suffering one of the conditions which cause you to have stressful and unwanted hair on the face discussed in this article, try the mentioned methods or consult a doctor as they are the one that can recommend the best treatment for you.